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Web developer since 8 years

Front-end application development

Development of complex front-end application respecting all modern constraints (accessibility, SEO, responsive design, performance, I18N ...)
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React Icon
NextJs Icon

Consulting & Audit / Technical architecture

I can help you to find a technical stack in adequacy with your need and your team. I can also assist you in setting up the technical base of your project

Back-end API creation

Creation of powerful and secure APIs (REST or SOAP), authentication services, database architecture and integration with external services (mailing, hosting ...)
NodeJS Icon
NestJS Icon
Symfony Icon
Front-end technologies
Angular logo
React logo
Vuejs Logo
Nextjs Logo
Html 5 logo
Css 3 logo
Javascript 5 Logo
Adobe XD Logo
Back-end/Devops technologies
Firebase logo
NestJS logo
Symfony Logo
Git Logo
Docker logo
NodeJS logo
Site Hermes
HermèsCreation of an e-commerce site for a luxury leader
Site la poste
La posteCreation of an application with high business complexity
Site Hub3e
Hub3eCreation of medium-sized SaaS applications
Site luluberlu
LuluberluCreation of SEO-friendly websites
Let's work together
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